Our Mission
Beauty Relies on Nature
From rose oil to musk, the beauty industry has always relied on nature — it’s been a driver of environmental degradation and animal cruelty. Today, with advances in biotechnology, nature’s genome is a source of inspiration for new molecules that can be made ethically and sustainably.
It’s time for beauty to give back to nature — creation as regeneration. That’s what we do at Humble Bee Bio.
Nature’s health relies on the diversity and abundance of biology — its biodiversity. The collective biosphere services are valued at over $44tn and include carbon sequestration, climate regulation, increased resilience to extreme weather events, soil & air creation, pollination and pest control.
Supporting Indigenous Led Organisations
Despite making up only 5% of the population, Indigenous Peoples protect >80% of the Earth’s biodiversity. However, despite their critical role in ensuring a resilient and healthy planet for people and nature, there is little acknowledgement of or support for their efforts. Those at the front lines of environmental protection are in more danger than ever.
At Humble Bee Bio, we create high-value, nature-inspired products to support indigenous-led organisations in restoring and protecting biodiversity.

I grew up between London and Aotearoa, New Zealand. In New Zealand, I spent my childhood swimming in rivers and playing in creeks. I used to swing on the rope ladder in our garden and see the Milky Way so crystal clear that I imagined I was flying through space.
But, in London, I could not swim in the rivers, and I could not see the stars. I could barely stand to drink the water. At 6 years old, I knew something was very wrong. And at 7, I started my first business. By my early 20s, I understood that my calling was to embody environmental guardianship through the craft of entrepreneurship.
My connection to nature and my education in science showed me the potential to innovate with biology. From this humble realisation and a humble bee, I started this company to create high-value nature-inspired products for climate stability, biodiversity, and beauty.
We, including our economy, can only thrive when nature thrives — wisdom known by indigenous people worldwide. We envision a world where products and value creation are regenerative. We are Humble Bee Bio.
Veronica H-Stevenson
CEO and founder
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